Press releases

CEMACON SA is the largest Romanian-owned producer of ceramic blocks and the market leader in Transylvania. The company operates the most modern and largest production capacity in Romania with innovative products that bring added value to users, achieved at highly competitive production costs. CEMACON SA is a listed company on the Bucharest Stock Exchange.

At CEMACON, we have set a path based on sustainable growth, taking into account a set of core values:

We build in everything we do: We build dreams, plans, friendships, families, careers. And we build ourselves. Experience has taught us that more important than the destination is the journey there, and who is by your side.

We are open with others and situations: It is in our DNA to constantly seek new ideas, new projects, new ways of doing things. At CEMACON, we have a wide range of opportunities in different departments and locations.

We value energy and passion: Every construction needs the passion and energy of those who raise it to translate a plan/an idea from a drawing board into something that serves people's dreams and aspirations.

We enjoy feeling good together: We believe in what we do is serious. But that doesn't mean we have to be formal or worried all the time. We value the time spent together.

The Management Team undertakes continuous improvement of the Integrated Quality-Environment-Health and Occupational Safety Management System in accordance with the requirements of SR EN ISO 9001:2015, SR EN ISO 14001:2015, and SR ISO 45001:2018 standards and has set the following strategic objectives:

    ✔ Developing relationships with customers based on trust, promptness, and meeting applicable requirements, and continuous improvement of the Integrated Management System;

    ✔ Mutually beneficial partnership relations with company suppliers;

    ✔ Professionalism and involvement of staff through participation in regular training and ensuring a high-performance work environment;

    ✔ Identifying those elements, activities, and products that generate environmental aspects and controlling and minimizing their negative impact on the environment;

    ✔ Fulfilling its compliance obligations, including with applicable legal requirements in the field of activity and organizational context related to the environment and risks of accidents and occupational diseases;

    ✔ Environmental protection and prevention of environmental pollution;

    ✔ Efficient use and elimination of waste of natural resources;

    ✔ Ensuring the safety and health at work by identifying hazards with the help of staff, minimizing or isolating risks, for its own employees, collaborators, and visitors, in order to prevent accidents and occupational diseases.

The CEMACON Management Team is committed to ensuring understanding, application, and acceptance of the Integrated Management System policy by all company employees and collaborators.