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Insulating brick, with rock wool

Size: 240/400/240 mm

Walls: external; non-load-bearing

Wall thickness: 400mm

Thermal transfer resistance: 4.086 m²K/W

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Thermal insulation

Thermal insulation

  • It does not require an additional insulation system, having the same thermal resistance as a normal 30 cm wall with 10 cm insulation. Thermal resistance R=4.086 m2K/W
  • It keeps the heat inside in the cold season and ensures a cool environment inside the building during the summer, having a superior thermal inertia, compared to a typical 30 cm wall with 10 cm insulation
  • Variations in outside temperatures are felt indoors much later, due to the higher thermal lag compared to a typical 30 cm wall with 10 cm insulation

Acoustic Insulation

Acoustic Insulation

  • Insulates sound 2.5 times better than ordinary hollow brick. Basalt wool has superior sound insulation properties, and by replacing the air in the ceramic blocks with basalt wool, air noise is absorbed, thus ensuring the acoustic comfort of the building, right from the masonry phase.

Protected Thermal Insulation

Protected Thermal Insulation

  • Thermal insulation is guaranteed throughout the lifespan of the building. By integrating the basalt wool insulation in the ceramic coating, it is protected from the risks of mechanical damage, or over time, thus ensuring a high durability of the insulation and eliminating the need to renovate or replace the thermal insulation system over time.

Vapor permeable

Vapor permeable

  • Pereții respiră, asigurând un climat interior natural și sănătos. Atât partea ceramică a cărămizii cât și izolația din vată bazaltică au o permeabilitate ridicată la vapori, permițând transferul de vapori prin pereți. Astfel umiditatea este menținută sub control, prin eliberarea excesului din interiorul locuinței către exterior, reducându-se riscul apariției igrasiei și mucegaiului și implicațiilor negative cauzate de acestea, precum alergiile sau astmul.

Fire resistant

Fire resistant

  • Protecție ridicată la incendii. Atât învelișul ceramic cât și izolația din vată bazaltică sunt produse incombustibile, ce nu contribuie la dezvoltarea sau întreținerea unui posibil incendiu. Rezistență la foc: Clasa A1

Reduced execution time

Reduced execution time

  • The stages necessary for thermal insulation such as fixing the thermal insulation material on the facade or doubling are eliminated. The operations necessary to finish the external walls can be carried out mechanically, with a much higher productivity.

No limits in finishes

No limits in finishes

  • The facade can be finished with klinker, natural stone, apparent brick, or frames without restrictions or additional support preparation operations, thus eliminating additional time and costs.

100% Natural

100% Natural

  • You build ecologically and sustainably. Unlike classically insulated walls, walls built with EVOCERAMIC 40 VB no longer require renovation, or replacing the insulation, with the related implications in costs, but also in the management of waste resulting from changing the insulation system. In addition, being made from natural raw materials, clay, sand and volcanic rock, EVOCERAMIC 40 VB bricks can be recycled up to 100%.
Technical Data
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240/400/240 mm
Thermal transfer resistance (R):
4.086 m²K/W
Average compressive strength (fb, med):
10 N/mm²
Average weight/brick:
aprox. 14 kg
Bulk density:
aprox. 590 kg/m³
Reaction to fire:
Clasa A1
No. bricks/m³ of masonry:
41.5 pcs.
No. bricks/m³ of masonry:
16.5 pcs.
Mortar consumption / m³ of masonry:
56 liters/m³
Labor time/m³ of masonry:
Masonry type:
Nr. bricks/pallet (100x1200mm)
72 pcs/pallet
No. m³ of masonry/pallet
1.73 m³/pallet
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